Society of
St. Maria Goretti

Prayer to
St Maria Goretti
The Handbook

St. Maria Goretti
1890 - 1902

Saint Maria Goretti
October 16, 1890 - July 6, 1902

"For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it." (Mark 8, 35)

St.Maria Goretti: A Girl of Courage

Homily of Pious XII for the canonization of Saint Maria Goretti

"Look at Maria Goretti, especially adolescents and young people. Like her, be capable of defending your purity of heart and body. Be committed to the struggle against evil and sin. Always esteem and love purity and virginity."
(John Paul II)

Saint Maria Goretti: an inspiration for today' children (John M. Martin, M.M.)

Saint Maria Goretti: lily of purity, palm of martyrdom

Prayers of the Rosary: "A song of praise to Our Lady, with every Hail Mary"

Where to find Jesus, your Friend

Confession, Holy Mass and Holy Communion

Your Heavenly Mother…

Invocations: short Prayers to keep in touch with God throughout the day

Jesus, I love you! (Pio Ciampa s.j.)

Prayer to the Holy Spirit (Cardinal Mercier)

Society of Saint Maria Goretti - Web site on auspice of Candide Inkel.

The "Society of Saint Maria Goretti" was founded by Fr.Goretti Zilli,
with the spiritual assistance of P.Carroll Quinn.

Last updated: June 06, 2008
by Egidio Ridolfo s.j.

Italian Version

"Orizzonti dello spirito"
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